Integrative psychotherapy takes into consideration and tends to all facets of what makes someone whole, healthy and human.

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Our mind, conscious and unconscious, is incredibly powerful and often racing with thoughts. Most of this chatter works against our wellbeing- in judgement and fear, preoccupation. Increasing awareness of what you think and why you think it will illuminate and dissolve the unconscious forces shaping your world. Be who you really are, not who you learned to be.

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Our bodies deserve deep attention. They are our instrument- our sensory instrument- from which we engage and experience the world around us. When we connect to our body and learn its messages, direction and personal truth become clear. Your body is your one true lifelong companion, full of wisdom. Make it your compass and a home to reside in.

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Spirit is your aliveness, your energy. When you are disconnected from your spirit you lose access to your inherent sense of worth and vitality. Re-connecting to your spirit is like coming home to yourself: liberating, enlivening and comforting. Good to note: Sometimes spirit emerges spontaneously in a way that makes you feel crazy and untethered. Don’t despair! Come talk.



“We are not looking for the meaning of life as much as we are looking for the experience of being alive.”

-Joseph Campbell