"For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks."

-Rainer Maria Rilke


Relationship Ambivalence

Should I stay? should I leave? This is such a struggle. If children are involved it can be especially agonizing. What do you prioritize? Is there a solution that can work for everyone? Clearing up ambivalence involves examining what is and isn’t working for you. It requires courage and honesty around your values, fears and true heart’s desires.

Navigating Infidelity

Do you want to have an affair? Has there been one? Whether you are a couple in crisis after a breach of trust, or an individual struggling with the boundaries of your relationship, I can help. We will look at what has happened, understand it deeply, and move towards healing and growth. Affairs can impact a relationship in many ways. It can bring about the end of a struggling relationship or it can be a turning point catapulting a relationship into a deeper, stronger stage of intimacy and love.


Do you need help discovering passion and intimacy with your partner? Are you questioning monogamy, consensual non-monogamy or polyamory? Would you like to deepen your understanding of yourself as a sexual being? I respect all forms of relationship/sex and help partners uncover and communicate their deepest truths and longings. 

Reconfiguring Relationships

Is your current situation changing? Does the relationship you signed up for no longer fit who you are? Reconfiguring relationships include separation, divorce, conscious uncoupling, parenting marriages, living-apart-together, opening relationships, and closing relationships. When children are involved it also includes the issues of parenting, co-parenting, and single parenthood. Learn how to be, and stay, a family even in the midst of profound change.